Thiruvananthapuram: jillaa vijnaanakosam
How women saved the city
A dictionary of American history
The American heritage encyclopedia of American history
Marxist Shakaspeares
Bookhives UGC-NET/SLET: History
Perumals of Kerala: political and social conditions of Kerala under the Cera Perumals of Makotai
The body eternal
India: an introduction
Postwar British critical thought
The Greenwood encyclopedia of women`s issues worldwide
Refiguring history: new thoughts on an old discipline
The use and abuse of history: or how the past is taught to children
Modern South Asia: history, culture, political economy
The Indian ocean in world history
The third revolution: professional elites in the modern world
Women`s suffrage in the British empire: citizenship, nation and race
Glimpses of world religions
Indian realities in bits and pieces
Social movements, old and new: a post-modernist critique
Social movements and the state
The elimination of child labour: whose responsibility
Marine resources: an international perspective on exclusive economic zone in India
Infrastruture project finance: an Indian perspective
Surviving men: the smart women`s guide to staying on top
India book of the year 2004: events of December 2002 to November 2003
Urbanization in India: sociological contributions
Storylines: conversations with women writers
The end of India
Learning disabilities in India: willing the mind to learn
Cinimayude varthamaanam
Language as an ethic
The scientific edge: the Indian scientist from vedic to modern times
Family care in HIV/AIDS: exploring lived experience
Livelihood and gender: equity in community resource management
Between worlds: travels among mediums, shamans and healers
Gods and godmen of India
Sex, scotch and scholarship
Shakespeare`s comedies and poems: a critical introduction
Elizabethan drama
The Annotated Shakespeare: the complete works illustrated
Antony and Cleopatra
The first part of King Henry VI/
The Life and death of King John
A Midsummer night`s dream
The Tempest
Julius Ceaser
King Richard II
The Merchant of Venice
The Plays and sonnets of William Shakespeare
Prasanga vediyil
Saahithyamanjari Part V
Rgveda samhita
Rgveda Samhita
Abhijnanasakundalam /
Mathamgaleela /
Vishukkani /
Swapnavasvadatta /
Arogyachinthamani. /
Randu bhasanadakangal: oorubhangam, maadhyamavyayogam /
Bandhanasthanaaya Anirudhan /
arogyachinthamani /
Randubhasanatakangal /
Magdalana Mariyam /
Samskritha nataka tharjjamakal
Thripura Dahanam
International capital markets: systems and transition
Malayalam-Kannada nighantu
Saasthra nighandu
Saamkhyika nighandu
Viswasaahithya vijnaanakosam
Saahithya samjnaakosam
Keraleeya samkritha saahithya charithram
Bharatheeya saahithya charithram
Kerala saahithya: charchayum pooranavum
Malayala saahithya sarvaswom (vijnaanakosam)
Kerala saahithya charithram
Malayala naadaka sarvaswom
Coir fibres: modifications, characterization and application in fibrous composites
Swacchandathaawaadi kaavyadhaara ke kavi Ram Naresh Tripati: ek vishleshanaathmak adhyayan
Bhairav Prasad Gupta ke upanyaasom mem saamaajik chethana
Mundasseriyude niroopanam: oru vimarshaathmaka pathanam
Ultrasonic study of certain binary and ternary liquid mixtures
Macromolecular characteristics in the design of metal ion specific polymers
Block copolymers from liquid natural rubber and polyethers
Synthesis and characterisation of block copolymers from NR and MDI based polyurethanes
Molecular rearrangements in cross linked macromolecular matrices
Molecular rearrangements in polymer matrices
Light induced conformational changes in polymers
Role of hydrophilicity-hydrophobicity balance of the polymeric supports in solid-phase synthesis
Tetraethylene glycol diacrylate cross linked poly styrene support for solid phase peptide synthesis
Hexanediol diacrylate-crosslinked polystyrene supports for solid phase peptide synthesis
Solid-phase synthesis of hydrophobic peptides using flexible cross linked polymeric support
Binary and ternary blends based on poly (vinyl chloride), poly (ethylene-co-vinyl acetate) and poly (styrene-co-acrylonitrile)
Polymeric permanganate dichromate resins derived from cross linked polyvinyl pyrrolidones
Studies on the growth of Lanthanum mixed oxalate crystals in gel and liesegang ring phenomenon
Growth and characterization of mixed rare earth oxalate crystals
Luminescence studies on geological samples and doped phosphors